Once upon the time in every family a lot important decisions should be done. One of such decisions is to choose the name for the baby. For such occasion nowadays our modern developed world can proposed a lot.
A lot of parents searching interesting names through the Internet, but there are some people who keep the traditions and can choose the name among those of their family such as mother’s or grandmother’s name for girl and father’s, brother’s, grandfather’s names for the boy. But very often our modern parents try to pick up more unique name. In this year Madison is turned to be very popular. Probably in the past it was more suitable as the last name, but today it can be as the fist name as well.
Nevertheless, the process of choosing the name is a significant part in the family’s life. Sometimes parents stop on some biblical names such as Jacob, Nicholas, but it is better to know the real meaning of the name. The biblical names are chosen often by the religious families according to the traditions. So, the child from the childhood should read the Bible and know the meaning of the his\her name. It underlines the connection between the child and God. But choosing the unique name caused some problems for the child in school or kindergarten. There are some difficulties in the pronunciation of the name. When the person becomes older the name can help or vice versa in the process of finding the job. The researches illustrated that ‘white names’ are in greater account then ‘black ones’. Probably for somebody choosing the name is not so important but it could influence on the person’s life in any possible time.
Classical names can not caused any problems but they can not underline the uniqueness of your child, but if you choose the specific name are you sure that you child wants to be different from others. So, you choose the name and then you should prepare you child to it with necessary education and love.
Andrew Bolton is an experienced freelance writer. Having successfully completed a number of academic assignments, he now is willing to share his experience in academic writing including dissertation literature review and MLA research proposal providing students dissertation tips.
Related Articles - name, parents, family, biblical name, classical name, choosing the name, children.,
The Name for the Baby
Best Baby Girl Names
How does one determine the best baby girl name around? And what is “best” after all, if not a popularity check of the current standards. Each time period had its “best” baby girl names and ours has certain visible trends that you may or may not want to follow.
If you do a quick search on the Internet on the term “best baby girl names”, you’ll find different tops and polls where users can pick the name they think is currently best suited for a baby girl. Obviously, these tops don’t necessarily reflect anything other than a simple trend that can be different from website to website and they can change each year, or even each season, similarly to any other trend you might think of.
There are certain categories of names that you might want to relate to when cutting down the list in order to get the best baby girl name for your soon-to-be daughter. These categories can be: biblical baby girl names, unique baby girl names, popular baby girl names, historical baby names or celebrity baby girl names.
The best biblical baby girl name is undoubtedly Mary. It’s a popular name in almost all Christian cultures and despite the fact that it’s not uncommon or unique, it’s a beautiful name that musters with spirituality.
If you’re looking for a unique baby girl name, you’ll need either to look in a field that no one would expect you to come with a name from, or simply create one out of nothing. For example, you can choose the best baby girl names out of the botany book, with the beautiful flower names you’ll find there. Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make up a good girl name, or even combine two existing girl names into one.
If you’re simply looking for the name to be popular, you could aim for the names voted as being the most popular on websites mentioned in the introduction. Popular baby girl names may be a good choice today, but remember that the name trend changes quickly and what is hot today, may be obsolete tomorrow.
Historical baby girl names can be extremely meaningful and they can offer a sense of style to your daughter. However, make sure the name is taken after a famous historical woman figure, not after someone that’s just mildly popular. Names like Jean, Elizabeth, Victoria or Madeline all reflect the personality of the historical figures that held them.
Last but not least, celebrity baby girl names are also in fashion this season. Unfortunately, celebrities have a distinct hobby of making fun of their babies, naming them in the most awful ways possible. However, naming your baby girl directly after a celebrity might prove to be a good touch.
Because Your Baby Deserves The Best Name
Fraser Wheaton is the founder and publisher of The Baby Name Kit website.
We aim to be the worlds largest content provider for baby name information on the internet. If you have a baby naming question, chances are, we have the answer.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fraser_Wheaton
Baby Names To Avoid
Although it’s a widely spread “trend” to call your baby boy or girl with unique and oftentimes weird names, not everything is suitable for a baby and you have to think of how his or her name will affect your little one in the future. There are a few names that don’t fit in the society or culture parents live in so it is a wise thing to do an extensive search for the right baby name. Or at least do a research on the names that you should avoid. Here are some examples of names that should be avoided, along with the reasons for which they’re not very suitable.
Religion often comes into play when we have to take the tough choice of naming our baby girl or boy, but it is also a premise for awful naming situations. For example, if you come from a Muslim religion or culture, you should avoid naming your baby after characters found in the Holy Bible and vice versa. Although we don’t like to admit it, religious strife is still big in both cultures and it can cause some potentially serious problems for your baby in the future. It is also recommended not to use Christian names if you are Jewish or have Hebrew heritage. And although it’s a popular Latin name, some religious figures actively fight the use of the name “Jesus”, for obvious reasons.
If you are a Christian parent living in a Christian environment, culture or society it is probably best if you use Christian names and avoid gothic names for example; gothic names you should avoid are Babylon, Jinx, Lucifer, Maleficent, Shadow or Spirit. They all have dark meanings and growing up and living in a highly religious Christian society will cause problems for a kid named like that.
If you live in a really strict environment and the society does not accept trendy and modern names, then is best if you avoid names like Amethyst (baby girl name) or Maverick (baby boy name). You should avoid the name Maverick because of its meaning ‘wildly independent’.
You should also avoid naming you baby using fancy names or using celebrities baby names if you are not living up to their life style. Some clear examples of celebrity names to avoid include: Makena'lei, the name of actress Helen Hunt and writer and producer Matthew Carnahan’s daughter. Maddox Chivan Thornton is another weird name, given by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to their adopted boy. Definitely a baby name to avoid.
Banjo is another celebrity baby name used by actress Rachel Griffiths and Andrew Taylor for her son. Banjo is actually a stringed instrument of African American origin. It is best if you avoid naming you baby like a musical instrument or a weird clothing style as it will cause laughter and giggles among his school colleagues and later on, when he grows up, among his work partners.
It is so easy to choose a wrong baby name for your kid that it’s almost frightening. In the rush to be original and creative, some parents don’t understand the fact that a person’s name can actually be very influential on how he grows up and builds his personality. If he is ashamed with his name then he will probably be embarrassed and his self esteem might get hurt.
Because Your Baby Deserves The Best Name
Fraser Wheaton is the founder and publisher of The Baby Name Kit website.
We aim to be the worlds largest content provider for baby name information on the internet. If you have a baby naming question, chances are, we have the answer.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fraser_Wheaton
How To Convert From Male Baby Names To Female Baby Names
The predominant languages in the world are English, Chinese, Egyptian, Spanish, French, and Arabic. Those languages are widely spoken in many countries. We are going to teach how to convert male baby names to female baby names of the predominant languages in the world.
You will be able to convert most of the baby names, since English, Chinese, Egyptian, Spanish, French, and Arabic are widely spoken in many countries. It is helps to know the gender of the baby names. It is relief to know for beholder of the name that their name matches their own gender.
Egyptians add ET or IT at the end of the male baby names to convert to female baby names. For example, Nefer is a male baby name which means beauty. The female forms of Nefer are Neferet who is a popular Queen of Egypt. Another example, Pasherit is a female form of Pasher. Although most Egyptian baby names can be use for female or male, many baby names are convertible to female baby names.
As for Spanish baby names, the sound of letter A or letter A at the end of the baby names convert male baby names to female baby names. For example, Adriana, Carlita, Delfina, Elvira, Francisca, and Graciana are female forms of Adrian, Carlito, Delfin, Elviro, Francisco, and Graciano respectively.
The French adds letter E at the end of the male baby names to convert to female baby names. For example, Jeane, Jeanette, Jeanine, Jeanne, and Jenette are female baby names of Jean. It is derive from John which means Jehovah is gracious.
The Arabic speaking people adds the letter A or H to convert the male baby names to female baby names. For example, Abdullah, Bashira, Fatinah, Halimah, Jameelah, Myrna, Rahimateh, and Sharika are female form of Abdul, Bashir, Fatin, Halim, Jameel, Myrn, Rahim, and Sharik respectively.
The meaning of most Chinese baby names is general. It applies to female or male. So, most Chinese baby names can be used as female or male baby names.
English baby names have many origins. The names are culturally enriched. First, we must determine the origin. Then, we used the simple rules above.
Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, male baby names, and female baby names websites.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Estrada
Do You Know the Top 100 Baby Names?
There are a number of top baby name lists out there. You can find a variety of baby name lists including unique and unusual baby names. There are lists for Indian baby names and Irish baby names, Italian baby names, celebrity baby names, and even Hawaiian and Japanese baby names.
What is the best baby name? Obviously, the best baby name is one that resonates with the mother. Some are chosen based on names of relatives or friends, while others may be based on the names of famous historical figures or celebrities. If you are looking for a little king there's Elvis. A starlet perchance? Try Marilyn or Madonna or Lindsey or Britney.
This might sound a little out there but some sources say that if the mother sits quietly and opens herself up to receiving the perfect baby name it will come to her.
If you are searching for weird or uncommon baby names they are out there. You can also make up your own to be totally unique. Two that I made up are Velika for a girl (it has that Transylvanian ring to it!) and Karvanian for a boy. Who knows these may become the next popular names for boys and girls - or maybe not...
You might consider choosing your baby name based on the actual meaning of the name. For instance, if you are looking for a little princess you could name your baby Sara, which means princess from the Hebrew. If you want a strong boy try Ethan which means strong from the Hebrew again.
The most popular boys name means Supplanter, while the most popular girls name means Industrious. You'll discover the names below.
If you can't come up with your own unique baby names why not try some of the popular ones below. Below you'll find a list of not just the top ten baby names but the top 25 most popular boy names:
1) Jacob 2) Michael 3) Joshua 4) Matthew 5) Ethan 6) Andrew 7) Daniel 8) William 9) Joseph 10)Christopher 11) Anthony 12) Ryan 13) Nicholas 14) David 15) Alexander 16) Tyler 17) James 18) John 19) Dylan 20) Nathan 21) Jonathan 22) Brandon 23) Samuel 24)Christian 25) Benjamin
Below you'll find a list of the top 25 most popular girl baby names:
1) Emily 2) Emma 3) Madison 4) Olivia 5) Hannah 6) Abigail 7) Isabella 8) Ashley 9) Samantha 10) Elizabeth 11) Alexis 12) Sarah 13) Grace 14) Alyssa 15) Sophia 16) Lauren 17) Brianna 18) Kayla 19) Natalie 20) Anna 21) Jessica 22) Taylor 23) Chloe 24) Hailey 25) Ava
There are lots of baby names to choose from out there try to pick one that will have meaning to you and won't embarrass your child in their school years!
Visit BabyTipsPlus.com for a wealth of info on baby care. While there get your free copy of Planning a Baby Shower as well as the free list of Top 100baby names Also grab your free Bath and Beauty recipes.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Kish
Unique Baby Girl Names for Newborn Baby
In our search for unique baby girl’s names we stumble upon as many names as there are stars in the sky. The guiding forces are the family, societal compulsions and the trend of the times. Globalization has brought about a great leveling of cultures. Orthodox societies are opening up to names from various corners of the globe making it a grand party with unique baby girl’s names bobbing up and down written on colorful balloons. Now we find names crossing the boundaries of nations and making their home in unusual places.
Looking for a unique baby girl’s name? Here is a list. Write it down on slips of paper and jumble it up in jar. Take your pick. There are names like Hannah, Emily, Alexis, Sarah, Lauren, Samantha, Britanna, Olivia, Alexandra, Alexandria, Nicole, Sydney, Destiny, Amanda, Megan, Rachel, Amber, Pearl, Diamond, Jade, Julia, June, Brooke, Katelyn, Brittany, Rebecca, Kaylee, Jenna, Makayla, Jordan, Sheila, Melanie, Mia, Courtney, Trinity, Sabrina, Autumn or Shanti. If the preference is for rivers then the daughter might be named Indu after the mighty Indus, or Ganga, Kaveri or Narmada. The rivers belong to planet Earth and are not the monopoly of any one nation.
Shakespeare will perhaps laugh at this effort to find unique baby girl’s name. He said that no matter by what name you call a rose – a rose is a rose and will smell as sweet. It cannot be denied that by giving a unique name to the baby we hope to instill in it certain values that the name carries – values that will adhere to the person till its last days.

Names like pearls and diamonds dazzle with wealth. May the child never be in want. Trinity refers to the holy trinity of the Bible –the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The name will imbibe in the newborn spiritual powers that will be her guiding force through life. Shanti means peace. It is a unique universal name that will end all strife. A name is very important in that it enters the sub-conscious of the person. For a girl it is especially so because the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
Vincent Yim is the founder of http://bettersmarterkids.com/, he created kid's weblog is for the purpose of providing a platform to all parents who can share and learn valuable ideas and tips in bringing up our children by understanding their interest behaviors viz children healthy foods, educational toys, kids hobbies, clothing, activities and games, schooling and moral values....etc.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vincent_Yim
African Baby Boy Names and Baby Girl Names - the Bold and the Beautiful
The sounds of African baby boy names and baby girl names are as soft as the breeze. The baby names and their meanings go back through the mists of time. Often, African baby names and their meanings reflect nature such as rivers, or the southern wind. Some describe qualities like honor, beauty, and strength.
Baby names from Ghana often tell the day when the baby was born. Others say in which order the baby was born, as in first born, second, third and so on.
African baby names come from over a hundred languages and thousands of dialects. Often, baby names are influenced by other languages such as Arabic, English, and French. African baby names come from Swahili, Kiswahili, and Yorba. There are those from Amharic, Xhosa, Ibo, Twi, Dinka, Kikuyu, Ewe, and many others.
Let us look at some of these handsome names.
African Baby Girl Names and Their Meanings
1) Aisha - (Swahili and Arabic) meaning "Life"
2) Nuru (Swahili) meaning "Light"
3) Bibi (East African) meaning "Daughter of a King." Also a Kiswahili name meaning "Lady"
4) Wub (Amharic of Ethiopia) meaning "Gorgeous"
5) Fola (Yorba of Nigeria) meaning "Honor"
6) Ismitta (North African) meaning "Daughter of the Mountains and the Moon." This is the name of the southern wind
7) Gzija (Ewe of Ghana) meaning "One who is at Peace"
8) Isis (Arabic) meaning "The Goddess Isis, guardian of the Nile River." Isis was worshipped in Egypt and in the ancient Kingdom of Meroe, in modern Sudan.
9) Deka (Somali) meaning "One who Pleases"
10) Lulu (Swahili and Arabic) meaning "Precious"
African Baby Boy Names
1) Simba (Swahili and Kiswahili) meaning "Lion" and "Strong"
2) Rafiki (Kiswahili) meaning "Friend"
3) Xola (Xhosa) meaning "Stay in Peace"
4) Habib (Swahili and Arabic) meaning "Beloved"
5) Kofi (Akan, from Ghana) meaning "Born on Friday"
6) Ghali (Kiswahili and Arabic) meaning "Precious"
7) Idrissa (from Senegal and Gambia) meaning "Immortal"
8) Mensah (Ewe, from Ghana) meaning "3rd Born Male"
9) Kojo (Ashanti from Ghana) meaning "Born on Monday"
10) Kito (Swahili) meaning "Precious"
African baby boy names and baby girl names and their meanings tell a story. The story continues as parents leave their homeland of Africa and travel the world.
Find your own name and its meaning at http://www.giftscrolls4u.com/ Benedict Manovill creates name scrolls for you. A leading name historian and calligrapher, his works are in collections around the world. Get a Fr.ee gift with your own name scroll. For more information, visit http://www.giftscrolls4u.com/
(c) Benedict Manovill All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Benedict_Manovill
Finding Unique Baby Names On The Cutting-Edge Of Originality and Style
Finding a unique baby name that perfectly suits your new bundle of joy, doesn’t have to be an overwhelming event, in fact, it can be a relaxing hobby the whole family can enjoy. There has been a lot of talk about baby names among new parents these days. They are scouring lists of the most popular baby names, the least popular baby names, celebrity baby names; even lists of countries trying to find a unique baby name for their new baby.
If you really want to find an unusual baby name for your newborn, here are a few quick tips to keep in mind. Unique baby names are derived from all kinds of resources. Many parents desire a unique baby name that holds some historic family value. Such as combining great, great grandpa’s middle name with great grandpa’s first name to create a unique baby name for your baby.
My final suggestion for finding the most unique baby name for your baby is to check out the latest trends. What are new parents looking for and where are they finding these really great, unique baby names for their kids? Are they really scouring maps and atlases searching for original baby names? Or do they have a unique baby name source you just don’t know about yet?
Jennifer L. Wilson is a Childcare Specialist and Author of the Bright Beginnings Baby Care Guide where she teaches parents how to give their baby a Smart Start from day one.
Best Baby Girl Names
How does one determine the best baby girl name around? And what is “best” after all, if not a popularity check of the current standards. Each time period had its “best” baby girl names and ours has certain visible trends that you may or may not want to follow.
If you do a quick search on the Internet on the term “best baby girl names”, you’ll find different tops and polls where users can pick the name they think is currently best suited for a baby girl. Obviously, these tops don’t necessarily reflect anything other than a simple trend that can be different from website to website and they can change each year, or even each season, similarly to any other trend you might think of.
There are certain categories of names that you might want to relate to when cutting down the list in order to get the best baby girl name for your soon-to-be daughter. These categories can be: biblical baby girl names, unique baby girl names, popular baby girl names, historical baby names or celebrity baby girl names.
The best biblical baby girl name is undoubtedly Mary. It’s a popular name in almost all Christian cultures and despite the fact that it’s not uncommon or unique, it’s a beautiful name that musters with spirituality.
If you’re looking for a unique baby girl name, you’ll need either to look in a field that no one would expect you to come with a name from, or simply create one out of nothing. For example, you can choose the best baby girl names out of the botany book, with the beautiful flower names you’ll find there. Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make up a good girl name, or even combine two existing girl names into one. If you’re simply looking for the name to be popular, you could aim for the names voted as being the most popular on websites mentioned in the introduction. Popular baby girl names may be a good choice today, but remember that the name trend changes quickly and what is hot today, may be obsolete tomorrow.
Historical baby girl names can be extremely meaningful and they can offer a sense of style to your daughter. However, make sure the name is taken after a famous historical woman figure, not after someone that’s just mildly popular. Names like Jean, Elizabeth, Victoria or Madeline all reflect the personality of the historical figures that held them.
Last but not least, celebrity baby girl names are also in fashion this season. Unfortunately, celebrities have a distinct hobby of making fun of their babies, naming them in the most awful ways possible. However, naming your baby girl directly after a celebrity might prove to be a good touch.
Because Your Baby Deserves The Best Name
The Author:
Fraser Wheaton is the founder and publisher of The Baby Name Kit website