The conversation went something like this:
“Hey honey, when we get pregnant, how about if we name our baby Jack, if it’s a boy?” The husband responded, that no, he indeed did NOT like that name. As time went by, they acquired a cat. They were having a hard time finding a name for the male feline. Finally the husband just said, “You like the name Jack so well, let’s give that name to the cat. Because I am NOT having a son named Jack.”
So the couple went happily on their way, enjoying the newlywed life and their new cat, Jack.
After a bit of time passed, the happy couple learned they were expecting a bundle of joy to be born later that year. They began the overwhelming task of deciding on names. It’d be easy if the baby was a girl. They agreed upon a girl’s name long before they were ever married.
They poured over baby naming books; they shared ideas; they made lists; they tried coming up with a boy’s name using this method; then they tried that method. Still nothing. They could not agree on a boy’s name.Thanks to modern technology the couple learned that they were having a baby girl. Their naming problem was solved! They proceeded with the remainder of the pregnancy preparing for the baby girl who already had a name. They even called the baby by her name as the husband read to the pregnant belly.
But then yet another ultrasound revealed that the little girl they had come to know and love was actually a little boy!
The baby was scheduled to make HIS delivery into the world in relatively short time. The parents frantically went back to the tireless task of finding a boy’s name they could both agree upon.
One night the husband announced that he liked the name Jack for his son! (This is a true story ladies … can you even imagine how you’d feel if your husband announced this grand revelation?)
To the wife’s dismay she reminded her husband that he was the one who did not like that name; in fact went as far as to declare he would NOT have a son named Jack. She then jogged his memory that they had a cat named Jack. Jack the cat even responded to his name.
You may have guessed the rest of the story. The cat now has a new name. It is rather original. The feline is now known as Kitty Cat (K.C. for short). And they have a beautiful son named Jack.
What’s the moral of the story? If you are having a hard time coming up with a perfect name, you just might try the name you’ve given to the family pet!
Steven is a CEO of Pregnancy Resource Center He wrote a lot of article about preganancy and other babies-related topics.
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Tough Time Deciding on a Name for Your Baby?
Difficulties In Choosing A Baby Name
Choosing a name for your baby is not such an easy task as you might think. It takes a lot of time, effort and energy just to search for different reliable sources that give you the right information you need. The main difficulty in choosing a baby name is not knowing what you want from a name. Most parents that are looking for baby names have at least one rough idea of what to look for. Some parents want a name that reflects their culture, religion or social status. Other parents want a name that is unique or at least unusual; some parents look for a name that has a historical or mythical meaning.
An increasing number of parents opt for names that have a certain message or a certain meaning, whereas others prefer looking for a name that was used by a special person in their lives, so as to be a constant reminder of him or her as well as a sort of homage to that person. For example, lots of parents want to name their children after their own parents or grandparents because they feel like this is the perfect way of showing their appreciation and gratitude for them. This is certainly a lovely gesture and a lovely thing to do so you might want to consider using this idea as a starting point when you’re experiencing different difficulties in choosing a baby name.
Many parents prefer to keep the baby’s gender a secret until the big day when he or she comes to this world, so that it will be a sort of surprise: “Oh look, its’ a boy!” as opposed to “Yeah, I knew it was a boy for a while now”. Not knowing the gender of your little one until his birth causes another difficulty in choosing a baby name, especially if you don’t know what kind of name you are looking for. You’ll basically have two options in this scenario: you can either think of several baby boy and girl names up front, and simply settle in for the on you like most, when seeing your baby’s gender. Or, you could opt for a neutral name that could very well suit either a boy or a girl.
Another difficulty is not knowing whether the name you have chosen for your baby boy or baby girl, will suit him or her perfectly when he or she will be born or when he or she will be older. In this case, the right thing to do is to take into account the idea that you should not give your baby a name he will be embarrassed of later, when he will grow up. Having the wrong name can easily (negatively) affect your child’s personality during his growing up stage.
These are just some of the important difficulties in choosing a baby name experienced by parents, but other factors will definitely come into play. Ask around, do some research and talk every detail with your spouse and you should easily overcome these problems.
Because Your Baby Deserves The Best Name
Fraser Wheaton is the founder and publisher of The Baby Name Kit website.
We aim to be the worlds largest content provider for baby name information on the internet. If you have a baby naming question, chances are, we have the answer.
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Choosing the Best Baby Name: Tips for Success
Wading through the mess of baby names can be both inspiring and exhausting. How do you decide which name is right for the child you have yet to meet? How will you and your spouse ever agree on a single name? And finally, when you get the name picked out, what happens if it is totally wrong for the baby when she arrives?
Fortunately, there are things to consider that will significantly ease the process. Choosing the best name for your baby should be one of the most joyful parts of planning, and these tips will help put you on the right path.
#1 – Meaning
Consider the origin of the baby name and what it might mean to you or others. Will this baby represent something to you or is she a miracle? Look through the meanings of baby girl names to find something that signifies what she represents. Likewise, be careful of the meanings of names. Making a decision only to find out your picked “the fool” from all the baby boy’s names available can put a damper on your fun.
#2 – Impression
Strongly consider the impression of the name on you and others. Is it hard to pronounce or understand? Does it roll of the tongue naturally or does it sound forced? If you have a long last name, you probably want to avoid a very long first name. Consider the way a first name sounds with your last name. Sometimes baby names are beautiful in theory, but awkward in reality.
#3 – Memories
Does a certain memory inspire you? When selecting a name, consider what memories that name conjures up. Did you pick a name that sounds entirely too much like your ex-boyfriend? This might make things a bit uncomfortable for you and your spouse. Some names are simply not an option, but I doubt anyone would complain too loudly about not being able to name their daughter after a husband’s ex-fiancée.
#4 – Religion
Often religion plays a role in making the final decision among baby names. Certain religions have specific expectations regarding the birth of children into the faith. If you are active in your faith, it would be wise to investigate what your religious teachings have to say about naming children.
#5 – Honor
Does your selection of baby girl names include a friend or family member you are thinking about honoring? Naming a baby girl after her grandmother or a special aunt is extremely special to all parties involved and can help the baby develop closeness with her namesake as she grows. Middle names are used often for the purpose of honoring others. Naming a child after a family tradition works the same way. For the child’s sake, however, if you name him after his father or her mother, find the baby a nickname to help ease the confusion of having the same name as someone else in the household.
This article was provided by the Baby Names site. For a full listing of tips and advice on selecting a baby name, you can visit the site where you will also find Baby Boys Names and Baby Girl Names.
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25 Top Irish Names for a Baby Girl
Would you like to give your baby girl a name reflective of your Irish roots? In this article, I’ve listed some of the most popular names for a girl in Ireland, according to the Central Statistics Office of Ireland. For each name appearing below, I have given the Gaelic spelling, the name’s meaning, and, when applicable, the Anglo-Saxon version of the name.
Abaigeal - Gaelic for Abigail; "father's joy"
Áine - often used for Anne; "joy, praise"
Aleanbh - Gaelic for Alannah; "the bright fair one, beautiful child"
Aoife - Gaelic for Eve; "life-giving"
Brenna - "raven-haired"
Bridget - "strong, spirited"
Caitlin - Gaelic for Catherine; "pure"
Ceallach - Gaelic for Kelly; "a warrior"
Ceilí - Gaelic for Kayleigh; "party, celebration"
Clár - Gaelic for Claire; "bright"
Eilís - Gaelic for Elizabeth; "consecrated to God"
Erin - "from Ireland"
Fallon - "a leader"
Fíona - "the fair one"
Isibéal - Gaelic for Isabel/Isabella; "consecrated to God"
Mairéad - Gaelic for Margaret; "pearl"
Máire - Gaelic for Mary; "bitter"
Nuala - Gaelic for Nola; "fair-shouldered one"
Ráichéal - Gaelic for Rachael; "little lamb"
Riona - "a queen, queen-like"
Saraid - Gaelic for Sarah; "princess"
Shannon - "wise one"
Sháuna - feminine of Sean; "God is gracious"
Sinéad - Gaelic for Jane; "gracious, merciful"
Siobhán - Gaelic for Joan; "God is gracious"
These are just a few of the many Irish names that would be appropriate for a baby girl. If you did not find anything you like here, there are many websites that offer a more extensive list.
About The Author
Mary Arnold holds a B.A. in literature and history. She is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers.
This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names.
The Name for the Baby
Once upon the time in every family a lot important decisions should be done. One of such decisions is to choose the name for the baby. For such occasion nowadays our modern developed world can proposed a lot.
A lot of parents searching interesting names through the Internet, but there are some people who keep the traditions and can choose the name among those of their family such as mother’s or grandmother’s name for girl and father’s, brother’s, grandfather’s names for the boy. But very often our modern parents try to pick up more unique name. In this year Madison is turned to be very popular. Probably in the past it was more suitable as the last name, but today it can be as the fist name as well.
Nevertheless, the process of choosing the name is a significant part in the family’s life. Sometimes parents stop on some biblical names such as Jacob, Nicholas, but it is better to know the real meaning of the name. The biblical names are chosen often by the religious families according to the traditions. So, the child from the childhood should read the Bible and know the meaning of the his\her name. It underlines the connection between the child and God. But choosing the unique name caused some problems for the child in school or kindergarten. There are some difficulties in the pronunciation of the name. When the person becomes older the name can help or vice versa in the process of finding the job. The researches illustrated that ‘white names’ are in greater account then ‘black ones’. Probably for somebody choosing the name is not so important but it could influence on the person’s life in any possible time.
Classical names can not caused any problems but they can not underline the uniqueness of your child, but if you choose the specific name are you sure that you child wants to be different from others. So, you choose the name and then you should prepare you child to it with necessary education and love.
Andrew Bolton is an experienced freelance writer. Having successfully completed a number of academic assignments, he now is willing to share his experience in academic writing including dissertation literature review and MLA research proposal providing students dissertation tips.
Related Articles - name, parents, family, biblical name, classical name, choosing the name, children.,