Choosing the Best Baby Name: Tips for Success

Wading through the mess of baby names can be both inspiring and exhausting. How do you decide which name is right for the child you have yet to meet? How will you and your spouse ever agree on a single name? And finally, when you get the name picked out, what happens if it is totally wrong for the baby when she arrives?

Fortunately, there are things to consider that will significantly ease the process. Choosing the best name for your baby should be one of the most joyful parts of planning, and these tips will help put you on the right path.

#1 – Meaning

Consider the origin of the baby name and what it might mean to you or others. Will this baby represent something to you or is she a miracle? Look through the meanings of baby girl names to find something that signifies what she represents. Likewise, be careful of the meanings of names. Making a decision only to find out your picked “the fool” from all the baby boy’s names available can put a damper on your fun.

#2 – Impression

Strongly consider the impression of the name on you and others. Is it hard to pronounce or understand? Does it roll of the tongue naturally or does it sound forced? If you have a long last name, you probably want to avoid a very long first name. Consider the way a first name sounds with your last name. Sometimes baby names are beautiful in theory, but awkward in reality.

#3 – Memories

Does a certain memory inspire you? When selecting a name, consider what memories that name conjures up. Did you pick a name that sounds entirely too much like your ex-boyfriend? This might make things a bit uncomfortable for you and your spouse. Some names are simply not an option, but I doubt anyone would complain too loudly about not being able to name their daughter after a husband’s ex-fiancĂ©e.

#4 – Religion

Often religion plays a role in making the final decision among baby names. Certain religions have specific expectations regarding the birth of children into the faith. If you are active in your faith, it would be wise to investigate what your religious teachings have to say about naming children.

#5 – Honor

Does your selection of baby girl names include a friend or family member you are thinking about honoring? Naming a baby girl after her grandmother or a special aunt is extremely special to all parties involved and can help the baby develop closeness with her namesake as she grows. Middle names are used often for the purpose of honoring others. Naming a child after a family tradition works the same way. For the child’s sake, however, if you name him after his father or her mother, find the baby a nickname to help ease the confusion of having the same name as someone else in the household.

This article was provided by the Baby Names site. For a full listing of tips and advice on selecting a baby name, you can visit the site where you will also find Baby Boys Names and Baby Girl Names.

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